Current Position
Senior Researcher in Parallel Computing and High Performance Computing
2001–2006 Ph.D. in Computer Science, Faculty of Computational
Mathematics and Cybernetics (CMC),
Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU),
Thesis: Instrumental system for designing parallel program and executing on computational clusters,
Supervisors: Prof. L. N. Korolev, Associate Proff. N. N. Popova.
Speciality: Mathematical modeling and Software for Computers
and Networks
1996–2001 Specialist in Mathematics and System Programming,
Faculty of CMC, Lomonosov MSU,
Thesis: Designing toolkit for organizing parallel and distributed computations,
Supervisors: Prof. L. N. Korolev, Associate Proff. N. N. Popova.
Speciality: Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
Job positions
2010–present Senior Scientific Researcher, Faculty of CMC, Lomonosov
MSU, Moscow, Russia.
2012–2013 Senior Researcher, Huawei technologies, Research department, Moscow,Russia.
2001–2010 Scientific Researcher, Faculty of CMC, Lomonosov MSU,
Moscow, Russia.
2000–2001 School teacher of Informatics, School 1553 "Lyceum at
the Donskay street", Moscow, Russia.Grants
2008–2010 Neural networks and evolutionary computations
methods for analysis of distributed experimental
data, RFBR 08-07-00445, RAS Corr. Memb. L. N. Korolyov.
2005–2007 Development of the information processing system
for the biomolecular structure identification using
Neural Networks and Genetic Algoritms, RFBR 05-
07-90238, RAS Corr. Memb. L. N. Korolyov.
2008–2009 Developing software environment to facilitate a practice of parallel programming in data-flow paradigm,
President Russian Federation grant MK-1606.2008.9, Alexey Salnikov.
2009–2010 Developing a software tools to study features in cluster communications which are reason for leak in application’s perfomance, President Russian Federation grant MK-2048.2009.9, Alexey Salnikov.
Computer and HPC skills
HPC systems IBM Blue Gene/P, IBM eServer pSeries 690 Regatta (system
administration),cluster “Lomonosov”
Processor archs : Power4, PowerPC 450, Intel x86-64
HPC software : IBM Tivoli LoadLeveler (system administration),PBS Torque,
cleo, Slurm LNL
Languages : C, C++, Python, Java; Parallel APIs MPI, OpenMP, pthread,
OSs : Linux, AIX, Free BSD, MS Windows, Compilers IBM XL, Intel, GCC
Version control: CVS, subversion, Git Scripting and project bulding
bash, GNU make, ant
Text editing : LATEX, BibTeX Web HTML, Drupal6 (Stucture and API), media
WIKI language, Markdown
Text editors : vim,
Professional Interests
Methods of performance analysis of code for HPC clusters,
automatic extract of HPC cluster hardware features, load
balancing in parallel code, data-flow paradigm, protein and
nucleotide sequences analisys, extract information from bioinformatic databases
English Intermediate Russian Native
2008–present Member of the Board of Young Scientists of the MSU CMC Faculty.
Referee and chair of the subsection on software and hardware architecture of the international conference of young scientists “Lomonosov”
2010–present Papers review for international conference ”Parallell Computational Technologies”,
2009–present Lector in subsidiary of MSU, Astana, Kazakhstan, Parallel data processing.
2010–present Lector in subsidiary of MSU, Sevastopol,Russia, Operating systems.
2006–present Support of OpenSource project “HPC cluster benchmarking toolkit”,
2015–present Support of OpenSource project “Scripts for emulating activities in HPC cluster guided by LNL Slurm software”,
2010–2012 Member of organizing committee, Summer supercomputing academy,