Касимов Николай Сергеевич
Academic Kasimov Nikolay
Президент географического факультета
МГУ имени М.В.Ломоносова
President of the Geographical Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University
Permanent (and mailing) address:
Телефон: +7 (495) 939 22 38.
E-mail: secretary@geogr.msu.ru
1984 PhD in Paleogeochemistry of landscapes of steppes and deserts: on the example of Kazakhstan;
1972 Ph.D.
Publications: 529 articles, 108 abstracts, 53 books, 1 dissertation.
Main Publications:
Articles in magazines:
1. 2023 Benzo[a]pyrene in Moscow road dust: pollution levels and health risks
Kosheleva Natalia E., Vlasov Dmitry V., Timofeev Ivan V., Samsonov Timofey E., Kasimov Nikolay S.
в журнале Environmental Geochemistry and Health, издательство Springer Nature (Switzerland), том 45, с. 1669-1694 DOI
2. 2023 Black Carbon Seasonal Trends and Regional Sources on Bely Island (Arctic)
Popovicheva O.B., Chichaeva M.A., Kobelev V.O., Kasimov N.S.
в журнале Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, издательство Pleiades Publishing, Ltd (Road Town, United Kingdom), том 36, № 2, с. 176-184 DOI
3. 2023 Climate change impacts on streamflow, sediment load and carbon fluxes in the Lena River delta
Chalov Sergey, Prokopeva Kristina, Magritsky Dmitry, Grigoriev Vadim, Fingert Evgeniya, Habel Michal, Juhls Bennet, Morgenstern Anne, Overduin Pier Paul, Kasimov Nikolay
в журнале Ecological Indicators, издательство Elsevier BV (Netherlands), том 157 DOI
4. 2023 Comprehensive mass spectrometric analysis of unprecedented high levels of carbonaceous aerosol particles long-range transported from wildfires in the Siberian Arctic
Schneider Eric, Czech Hendryk, Popovicheva Olga, Chichaeva Marina, Kobelev Vasily, Kasimov Nikolay, Minkina Tatiana, Rüger Christopher Paul, Zimmermann Ralf
в журнале Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, с. 1-33 DOI
5. 2023 Contamination levels and source apportionment of potentially toxic elements in size-fractionated road dust of Moscow
Vlasov D.V., Vasil’chuk J.Yu, Kosheleva N.E., Kasimov N.S.
в журнале Environmental Science and Pollution Research, издательство Springer Nature (Switzerland), том 30, с. 38099-38120 DOI
6. 2023 Elemental composition of atmospheric PM10 during COVID-19 lockdown and recovery periods in Moscow (April–July 2020)
Serdyukova A.D., Vlasov D.V., Popovicheva O.B., Kosheleva N.E., Chichaeva M.A., Kasimov N.S.
в журнале Environmental Geochemistry and Health, издательство Springer Nature (Switzerland) DOI
Articles in collections:
1. 2023 Influence of ultrasonic dispersion parameters during granulometric fractionation on the content of elements in soil and road dust microparticles
Enchilik P.R., Semenkov I.N., Bezberdaya L.A., Vasilchuk J. Yu., Kasimov N.S.
in the collection of Reports of the International Symposium "Engineering Ecology – 2023", place of publication of the A.S. Popov RNTORES Moscow, pp. 206-211
2. 2023 Effect of sample preparation on the content of chemical elements in microparticles of sod-podzolic soil and chernozem
Enchilik P.R., Semenkov I.N., Bezberdaya L.A., Vasilchuk J. Y., Kosheleva N.E., Kasimov N.S.
Rostov-on-Don Southern Federal University Publishing House Rostov-on-Don, Taganrog, pp. 89-93 2023 in the collection The current state of chernozems: materials of the III International Scientific Conference and the II International Scientific School for Young Scientists "Monitoring, protection and restoration of soil ecosystems under anthropogenic stress", September 12-17, 2023, place of publication
Method of separation of granulometric fractions of soils and dust by centrifugation
Bezberdaya L.A., Enchilik P.R., Kosheleva N.E., Vasilchuk J. Y., Semenkov I.N., Vlasov D.V., Kasimov N.S.
in the collection of Reports of the International Symposium "Engineering Ecology – 2023", place of publication of the A.S. Popov RNTORES Moscow, pp. 178-182
3. 2022 Heavy metals and metalloids in PM10 microparticles of Kerch soils
Kotov D.V., Kasimov N.S., Bezberdaya L.A.
in the collection Problems of Ecoinformatics: Proceedings of the XV International Symposium, December 06-08, 2022 Edited by F.A. Mkrtchyan, place of publication Moscow NTO of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Communications named after A.S. Popov M, pp. 174-178
4. 2022 Levels of accumulation of heavy metals and metalloids in soils, road dust and their fractions PM10 in Yalta
Bezberdaya L.A., Kasimov N.S.
in the collection Problems of Ecoinformatics: Proceedings of the XV International Symposium, December 06-08, 2022 Edited by F.A. Mkrtchyan, place of publication Moscow NTO of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Communications named after A.S. Popov M, pp. 189-193
5. 2021 Sources of potentially toxic elements in microparticles of Sevastopol soils
Bezberdaya L.A., Kasimov N.S.
in the collection Engineering Ecology – 2021: Reports of the international symposium, Moscow, December 01-03, 2021 / Edited by F.A. Mkrtchyan, series of series "Engineering Ecology", place of publication Russian Scientific Research Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Communications named after A.S. Popov Moscow, pp. 161-165