Голованов Дмитрий Леонидович
Docent Golovanov Dmitry
Географического факультета
МГУ имени М.В.Ломоносова
Geographical Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University

Permanent (and mailing) address:
Телефон: 13691917296 .
E-mail: dm_golovanov@mail.ru
2006 kgn. Oasis soil formation in the extreme arid deserts of Mongolia : on the example of the Ehiin-Gol Oasis
1979-1984 Specialty Lomonosov Moscow State University, Geographical (physical geography, geochemistry of landscapes and geography of soils)
Publications: 131 articles, 114 abstracts, 7 books, 1 dissertation.
Main Publications:
Articles in magazines:
1.2023 Factors and processes of soil formation of the Karkaraly State National Natural Park
Myrzabaev A., Аманжолов А., Golovanov D.L., Bodeyev M., URBANIAK J.
в журнале Вестник Карагандинского университета. Серия: Биология. Медицина. География, том 109, № 1, с. 110-116 DOI
Kravchenko E.I., Golovanov D.L., Amanzholov A., Kusherbayev S., Mushnikova N.A.
in the journal Problems of Regional Ecology, No. 1, pp. 74-81 DOI
3.2022 A Series of Medium-Scale Environmental Maps of the Dzhizak Steppe of the 1970s (Prior to the Start of Reclamation Development)
Pankova E.I., Golovanov D.L., Yamnova I.A.
in the journal Arid Ecosystems, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd (Road Town, United Kingdom), volume 28, No. 1 (90), pp. 43-53
4.2022 Analysis of the impact of hazardous man-made waste on the soil by X-ray fluorescence method
Myrzabaev A.B., Golovanov D.L., Urbanyak Ya., Kusherbayev S., Bodeev T.M.
in the journal Bulletin of Karaganda University. Series: Biology. Medicine. Geography, Volume 4, No. 108, pp. 95-100 DOI
Articles in collections:
1.2023 3.1. Brief information on the nature and soils of the reference point of the Soil Institute according to 1990 data/Part III. The natural conditions of the Dzhizak stronghold of the V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Institute and their changes over the period 1990-2008
Yamnova I.A., Golovanov D.L.
in the collection FEATURES OF SALINIZATION AND GYPSUM CONTENT OF SOILS OF THE JIZZAKH STEPPE (before the beginning of its reclamation development in the 70s of the twentieth century), a series For the 100th anniversary of the V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Institute, place of publication Media-Press Moscow, pp. 136-154
2.2023 3.2. Salinity and gypsum content of soils of the Jizzakh stronghold (according to research data from 1990 and 2009) / Part III. The natural conditions of the Dzhizak stronghold of the V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Institute and their changes over the period 1990-2008
Yamnova I.A., Gafurova L.A., Golovanov D.L.
in the collection FEATURES OF SALINIZATION AND GYPSUM CONTENT OF SOILS OF the JIZZAKH STEPPE (before the beginning of its reclamation development in the 70s of the twentieth century), a series For the 100th anniversary of the V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Institute, place of publication Media-Press Moscow, pp. 155-172
3.2023 The history of the formation and features of the lithological and geomorphological structure of the Golodnostep sub-mountain plain within the Jizzakh steppe / Part I. The position of the Jizzakh steppe in the general scheme of the structure of the Golodnostep mountain plain
Blagovolin N.S., Pankova E.I., Yamnova I.A., Golovanov D.L., Soloviev D.A.
in the collection FEATURES OF SALINIZATION AND GYPSUM CONTENT OF SOILS OF the JIZZAKH STEPPE (before the beginning of its reclamation development in the 70s of the twentieth century)., series For the 100th anniversary of the V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Institute, place of publication Media Press Moscow, pp. 9-24