Hongyu Liu
Contact Information
Hongyu Liu
Department of Mathematics
City University of Hong Kong
Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR
Email: hongyu.liuip@gmail.com; hongyliu@cityu.edu.hk
Academic Experience
Professor (since 01/2020), Associate Head (since 07/2022):
Department of Mathematics, City University of Hong Kong
Acting Head and Professor (7-8/2021):
Department of Biostatistics, City University of Hong Kong
Professor (2018-20), Associate Head (2017-20), Associate Professor (2014– 18): Department of Mathematics, Hong Kong Baptist University
Assistant Professor (tenure track) (2011– 14):
Department of Mathematics, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, USA.
Lecturer/Assistant Professor (tenure track) (2011):
Department of Mathematics, University of Reading, UK.
Acting Assistant Professor (2007– 10):
Department of Mathematics, University of Washington, Seattle, USA.
Ph.D. in Mathematics (2007) The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Research Interest
Inverse Problems and Imaging; Wave Propagations; Analysis and PDEs; Mathematical Materials Science; Scattering Theory; Spectral Theory; Geometric Integration of Dynam- ical Systems; Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing; Bionic Learning and AIs.
Honors, Awards and Prizes
World’s top 2% most highly cited scientists, List by Stanford University, 2022. Calder´on Prize, Inverse Problems International Association (IPIA), 2017.
MediaV Prize, International Conference on Inverse Problems and Related Topics, 2016, Seoul, South Korea.
Plenary Speaker, AIP Conference 2017, Inverse Problems International Association (IPIA), Hangzhou, China.
Plenary Speaker, AIP Conference 2015, Inverse Problems International Association (IPIA), Helsinki, Finland.
PIMS Postdoctoral Fellowship, Pacific Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Canada, 2008– 2010.
Changjiang Chair Professorship, Changjiang Scholars Program, Ministry of Education, China, 2020/2021.
Minjiang Chair Professorship, Department of Education, Fujian Province, China, 2020/2021. HKMS Young Scholar Award, Hong Kong Mathematical Society, 2019.
Faculty/School Performance Award in Scholarly Work, HKBU, 2018.
Academic Staff Fellowship, HKBU, 2017.
Award for the Best Research Output by Research Postgraduate Students, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2007–2008.
The paper “Enhanced Near-Cloak by FSH Lining” was awarded Highly Cited Research by the Journal de Math´ematiques Pures et Appliqu´ees in 2016.
5 papers were selected into “Editorial Highlights of the Year” by the journal, Inverse Problems ( 2017/2015/2009/2008/2007); 1 paper was selected as “Featured Article” (2006) and 1 paper was selected as “Insight Article” (2012) by the journal, Inverse Problems.
1 paper was selected a “Research Highlight” and Cover by the journal, Journal of Mathe- matical Physics.
Research Grants and Fundings
External as PI:
PI, Hong Kong RGC General Research Fund, 11311122, 2022/2023, HK$ 690,540+HK$34,527 Mathematical study of fields concentration and gradient estimates with applications
PI, NSFC/RGC Joint Research Scheme, N CityU101/21, 2021/2022, HK$1,174,180+HK$117,418 A mathematical theory of subwavelength resonances in elasticity with applications and be- yond
PI, Hong Kong RGC General Research Fund, 11300821, 2021/2022, HK$826,555+HK$41,328 Mathematical studies of surface- localized transmission eigenstates and applications
PI, Hong Kong RGC General Research Fund, 12301420, 2020/2021, HK$875,288+HK$43,764 Geometric properties of three classes of spectral problems with applications to inverse prob- lems and material sciences
PI, Hong Kong RGC General Research Fund, 12302919, 2019/2020, HK$ 502,444 Mathematical and computational studies of geomagnetic anomaly detections
PI, ANR/RGC Joint Research Scheme, A CityU203/19, 2019/2020, HK$1,851,780 ALLOWAP: Algorithms for large-scale optimization of wave propagation problems
PI, Hong Kong RGC General Research Fund, 12301218, 2018/2019, HK$ 304,301
Mathematical analysis on scattering from corner singularities, inverse shape problems and geometric structures of transmission eigenfunctions
PI, Hong Kong RGC General Research Fund, 12302017, 2017/2018, HK$ 314,900 Some theoretical and numerical studies for inverse problems in wave propagations
PI, Hong Kong RGC General Research Fund, 12302415, 2015/2016, HK$ 631,972 Uniqueness, reconstruction algorithms and invisibility cloaking for inverse scattering prob- lems
PI, China NSFC Panel Grant, 11371115, 2014/2015, RMB 560,000
Mathematical research of inverse problems and invisibility cloaking in electromagnetic scat- tering
PI, USA NSF Grant, DMS 1207784, 2012/2013, US$ 105,000
Transformation optics and acoustic and electromagnetic cloaking
External as Co-I:
Co-I, China NSFC Panel Grant, 11971487, 2020/2021, RMB 520,000
PI: DENG Youjun, Central South University.
Co-I, Hong Kong RGC General Research Fund, 405513, 2013/2014, HK$ 868,303 Mathematical analysis on determination of metrics in Maxwell’s equations
PI: ZOU Jun, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Played a main role in preparing the application and working on the proposed objectives.
Internal as PI:
PI, CityU Impact Grant, 2022–2024, HK$ 500,000
PI, CityU Start-up Fund, 2020, HK$ 200,000
PI, HKBU Grant, FRG1/17-18/056, 2018/2019, HK$ 50,000
PI, HKBU Grant, FRG2/16-17/071, 2017/2018, HK$ 135,000
PI, HKBU Grant, FRG1/16-17/036, 2017/2018, HK$ 50,000
PI, HKBU Grant, FRG2/15-16/012, 2016/2017, HK$ 142,500
PI, Incentive Awards for HKPFS Intakes, 2016, HK$ 100,000
PI, HKBU Grants, FRG2/14-15/033, 2014/2015, HK$ 150,000
PI, HKBU Grants, FRG1/14-15/009, 2014/2015, HK$ 50,000
PI, HKBU Start-up Fund, 2014, HK$ 120,000
PI, UNCC Start-up Fund, 2011, US$ 20,000
Professional and Outreach Activities
Secretary and Executive Committee Member, Inverse Problems International Association (IPIA), 2023–present
Panel Member of Physical Sciences, Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC), 2018– present
Board Member, Hong Kong Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2020–present Vice Chair, Activity Group on Analysis and Simulation of Uncertain Systems, China Simulation Federation, 2020–present
Secretary, East Asia Section of Inverse Problems International Association (EAIPIA), 2016–present
Member, Liu Bie Ju Centre for Mathematics Sciences, City University of Hong Kong, 2020–present
Committee Member, Preparatory Committee for the Activity Group on Inverse Problems and Imaging, China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (CSIAM), 2022. Lifetime Member, China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (CSIAM). Lifetime Member, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (USA SIAM). Selection Panel Member, Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Programme, Hong Kong Research Grants Council, 2018/19.
Selection Committee, Calder´on Prize, Inverse Problems International Association (IPIA), 2019.
Panel Member of Inverse Problems, NSF of USA, 2013.
Editorial Services:
Co-Founding Editor-in-Chief, Communications on Analysis and Computation, Amer- ican Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 2022–present.
Section Editor in Mathematics, Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences, 2022–present.
Editorial Board Members:
Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, Springer, 2022–present. (IF: 1.163 (2021))
Heliyon, Cell Press, Advisory Board Member, Mathematics Section, 2022–present. (IF: 3.776 (2022))
Physical Science & Biophysics Journal, 2022–present.
Mathematics, MDPI, 2021–present. (IF: 2.592 (2021), 2.542 (5 yrs), JCR-Q1 (Mathe- matics))
Inverse Problems and Imaging, American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 2016– present. (IF:1.483 (2021), 1.462 (5 yrs), JCR-Q2 (Applied Mathematics))
Journal of Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2014–present. e-Journal of Analysis and Applied Mathematics, 2018–present.
Contemporary Analysis and Applied Mathematics, 2015–2018.
Guest Editors:
East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics, 2018. (IF 1.660 (2021), JCR-Q2 (Applied Mathematics))
Electronic Research Archive, 2019. (IF 1.604, JCR-Q1 (Mathematics))
AIMS Mathematics, 2022. (IF 2.739, JCR-Q1 (Mathematics))
H. Liu and D. Ho, A bionic learning method for generating human body shapes, filed for US patent, CityU Internal Ref. No.: PWG/PA/1187/2/2022.
J. Li and H. Liu, A real-time medical monitoring and alerting method based on mobile devices (in Chinese), filed for China Patent, Application Number: CN201510727435.0, Publicity Number: CN105306717A, 2016.
Research Students Supervisions
PhD Students:
Chaohua Duan (PhD 2022– , CityU)
Yuhan Li (PhD 2022– , CityU)
Li Wang (PhD 2022– , CityU)
Yueguang Hu (PhD 2021– , CityU)
Shen Zhang (PhD 2021– , CityU)
Bowen Su (PhD 2020-2021, CityU)
Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Awardee, switched his study to MSU in USA.
Youzi He (PhD 2018–2021, HKBU)
Yakun Scholarship, HKBU
Postdoctoral Scholar, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2021–present
Wing Yan Tsui (PhD 2017–2021, HKBU)
Dr. Wu Yee Sun Memorial Scholarship, HKBU
Lecturer, Hang Seng University of Hong Kong, 2021–present
Xinlin Cao (PhD 2016–2020, HKBU)
Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Awardee
Yakun Scholarship, HKBU
Postdoctoral Scholar, The Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Math- ematics (RICAM), Austrian Academy of Sciences, 2020–2023.
Research Assistant Professor, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2023–present.
Shiqi Ma (PhD 2016–2019, HKBU)
Hong Kong Mathematical Society Best Thesis Award 19/20
Postdoctoral Scholar, University of Jyv¨askyl¨a, Finland, 2019–2022
Tenured Associate Professor, Jilin University, China, 2022–present
Hongjie Li (PhD 2016–2019, HKBU)
Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Awardee
Yakun Scholarship, HKBU
Hong Kong Mathematical Society Best Thesis Award 20/21
Research Assistant Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2020–2023. Tenure-track Assistant Professor, YMSC, Tsinghua University, China. 2023–present
Jingni Xiao (PhD 2015–2018, HKBU)
Yakun Scholarship, HKBU
Hills Assistant Professor, Rutgers University, USA, 2018–2022
Tenure-track Assistant Professor, Drexel University, USA, 2022–present
Hongpeng Sun (PhD 2013, Institute of Math, Chinese Academy of Sciences) Co-supervised with Prof. Zaijiu Shang
Tenured Associate Professor, Renmin University, China, 2016–present
Co-advised Visiting Research Students:
Yuwen Yin (Master, Changchun University of Science and Technology, China, 2020)
Xiaoxu Fei (PhD, Central South University, China, 2022)
Yan Jiang (PhD, Jilin University, China, 2022)
Yuhang Zhang (PhD, Harbin Institute of Technology, 2022)
Yan Chang (PhD, Harbin Institute of Technology, China, 2022)
Postdoctoral Mentoring:
Qingle Meng (Postdoctoral Scholar, 2022– , CityU)
PhD from Xiamen University, China
Minghui Ding (Postdoctoral Scholar, 2022– , CityU)
PhD from Hunan University
Candidate for the Hong Kong Scholars Program in the 2nd round of review
Catharine Wing Kwan Lo (Postdoctoral Scholar, 2022– , Liu Bie Jun Centre for Mathe- matical Sciences)
PhD from University of Lisbon, Portugal
Wei Wu (Research Assistant Professor, 2019–2022, HKBU)
PhD from ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Associate Professor, Jilin University, China, 2022–present
Xianchao Wang (Postdoctoral Scholar, 2019–2021, CityU)
Awardee of Postdoctoral Fellowship of the Hong Kong Scholars Program PhD from Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Associate Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology, China, 2021–present
Chun-Hsiang Tsou (Postdoctoral Scholar, HKBU, 2018–2020)
PhD from Universit´e Grenoble-Alpes, France
Assistant Professor, National Central University, Taiwan, ROC, 2021–present
Yuliang Wang (Research Assistant Professor, HKBU, 2015–2020)
PhD from Michigan State University, USA
Awardee of China Youth Talent Program
Professor, Beijing Normal University-HKBU United International College, 2020–present
Research Undergraduate Students:
Zirui Zhang, Shiyu Long, Yuqiao Zhao, CityU
2022 ICM/MCM Contest, USA, Honorable Mention
Alvin Wijaya, Andrew Wijaya Mannurung, Stephanie Wijaya, CityU
2021 CUMCM (Contemporary Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modelling)
Yanhao Ding, CityU
2021/2022 CityU X Sino Grand Challenges Scholars Program (approved)
Yingqiu Chen, Guo Han, Kaipeng Wang, CityU
2021 ICM/MCM Contest, USA, Meritorious Winner
Bigeng Zhang, Ziyang Wu, Houbo He, CityU
2021 ICM/MCM Contest, USA, Honorable Mention
Zizhen Song, Keli Guo, Zhongli Jiang, HKBU
2016 ICM/MCM Contest, USA, Honorable Mention
Computer Technician:
Zian Chen, CityU
IT Officer, 2022–2023
Software Development
Scholarly Work
● Book/Monograph/Book Chapter
[1] J. Li and H. Liu, Numerical Methods for Inverse Scattering Problems, accepted for
publication by Springer and Science Press, 2023.
[2] H. Diao and H. Liu, Spectral Geometry and Inverse Scattering Theory, under review
to Springer for publication, 2022.
[3] Y. Deng and H. Liu, Spectral Theory of Localized Resonances and Applications, ac-
cepted for publication by Springer and Science Press, 2023.
[4] L. Borcea, H. Kang, H. Liu and G. Uhlmann (edited by H. Ammari and J. Gar-
nier), Inverse Problems and Imaging, Panoramas et Syntheses, Num´ero 44, Soci´et´e Math´ematique de France, 2015
[5] J. Li, H. Liu and J. Zou, An efficient multilevel algorithm for inverse scattering prob-
lem, Advances in Computation and Intelligence, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Berlin, 2007.
● Journal Publications/Published
[1] Y.-H. Lin, H. Liu, X. Liu and S. Zhang, Simultaneous recoveries for semilinear parabolic
systems, Inverse Problems, 38 (2022), no. 11, Paper No. 115006, 39 pp.
[2] H. Liu, P. Meng, W. Shi and P. Zhang, A neural network method for time-dependent
inverse source problem with limited-aperture data, Journal of Computational and Ap- plied Mathematics, 421 (2023), Paper No. 114842.
[3] B. Chen, Y. Gao and H. Liu, Modal approximation for time-domain elastic scattering
from metamaterial quasiparticles, Journal de Math´ematiques Pures et Appliqu´ees, 165 (2022), 148– 189.
[4] Z. Bai, H. Diao, Q. Meng and H. Liu, Stable determination of an elastic medium
scatterer by a single far-field measurement and beyond, Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, 61 (2022), no. 5, Paper No. 170.
[5] Y. Jiang, H. Liu, J. Zhang and K. Zhang, Boundary localization of transmission
eigenfunctions in spherically stratified media, Asymptotic Analysis, DOI 10.3233/ASY- 221794,
[6] X. Cao, H. Diao, H. Liu and J. Zou, Two single-measurement uniqueness results for in-
verse scattering problems within polyhedral geometries, Inverse Problems and Imaging, doi:10.3934/ipi.2022023
[7] Y. Deng, X. Fang and H. Liu, Gradient estimates for electric fields with multi-scale
inclusions in the quasi-static regime, SIAM Multiscale Modeling & Simulation, 20 (2022), no. 2, 641–656.
[8] H. Liu, P. Meng, W. Yin and Y. Yin, The interior inverse scattering problem for a two-
layered cavity using the Bayesian method, Inverse Problems and Imaging, 16 (2022), no. 4, 673–690.
[9] J. Li, H. Liu, L. Tang and J. Wang, Boundary homogenization of a class of obstacle
problems, Annals of Applied Mathematics, 38 (2022), no. 2, 240–260.
[10] Z. Bai, H. Diao, H. Liu and Q. Meng, Effective medium theory for embedded ob-
stacles in elasticity with applications to inverse problems, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 82 (2022), no. 2, 720–749.
[11] H. Liu, On local and global structures of transmission eigenfunctions and beyond,
Journal of Inverse and Ill-posed Problems, 30 (2022), no. 2, 287–305.
[12] H. Ammari, Y. T. Chow and H. Liu, Localized sensitivity analysis at high-curvature
boundary points of reconstructing inclusions in transmission problems, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 54 (2022), no. 2, 1543– 1592.
[13] Y. Deng, Y. Jiang, H. Liu and K. Zhang, On new surface-localized transmission eigen-
modes, Inverse Problems and Imaging, 16 (2022), no. 3, 595–611.
[14] M. Ding, H. Liu and G. Zheng, Shape reconstructions by using plasmon resonances,
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling Numerical Analysis, 56 (2022), no. 2, 705–726.
[15] H. Liu and C.-H. Tsou, Stable determination by a single measurement, scattering
bound and regularity of transmission eigenfunction, Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, 61 (2022), no. 3, Paper No. 91.
[16] Y. Deng, H. Liu and G. Zheng, Plasmon resonances of nanorods in transverse electro-
magnetic scattering, Journal of Differential Equations, 318 (2022), 502–536.
[17] H. Li, H. Liu and J. Zou, Minnaert resonances for bubbles in soft elastic materials,
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 82 (2022), no. 1, 119– 141.
[18] Y. Deng, H. Liu, X. Wang and W. Wu, On geometrical properties of electromagnetic
transmission eigenfunctions and artificial mirage, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathe- matics, 82 (2022), no. 1, 1–24.
[19] Y. Deng, C. Duan and H. Liu, On vanishing near corners of conductive transmission
eigenfunctions, Research in Mathematical Sciences, 9 (2022), no. 1, Paper No. 2.
[20] H. Liu, P. Meng, W. Yin and Y. Yin, On a hybrid approach for recovering multiple
obstacles, Communications in Computational Physics, 31 (2022), pp. 869–892.
[21] G. Sun, S. Gan, Z. Shang and H. Liu, Symmetric-adjoint and symplectic-adjoint meth-
ods and their applications, Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applica- tions, 15 (2022), pp. 304–335.
[22] S. Yang, Y. Liu, H. Liu and C. Wang, Numerical methods for semilinear fractional
diffusion equations with time delay, Advance in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 14 (2022), no. 1, 56-78.
[23] H. Diao, H. Liu and L. Wang, Further results on generalized Holmgren’s principle to
the Lam´e operator and applications, Journal of Differential Equations, 309 (2022), 841–882.
[24] E. Bl˚asten, H. Liu and J. Xiao, On an electromagnetic problem in a corner and its
applications, Analysis & PDE, 14 (2021), no. 7, 2207–2224.
[25] Y. Gao, H. Liu, X. Wang and K. Zhang, On an artificial neural network for inverse
scattering problems, Journal of Computational Physics, 448 (2021), 110771.
[26] Y. Deng, H. Liu, X. Wang, D. Wei and L. Zhu, Simultaneous recovery of surface heat
flux and thickness of a solid structure by ultrasonic measurements, Electronic Research Archive, 29 (2021), no. 5, 3081–3096.
[27] H. Diao, H. Liu, X. Wang and K. Yang, On vanishing and localizing around corners of
electromagnetic transmission resonance, SN Partial Differential Equations and Appli- cations, 2, (2021), no. 6, Paper No. 78, 20 pp.
[28] H. Diao, H. Liu and B. Sun, On a local geometric property of the generalized elastic
transmission eigenfunctions and application, Inverse Problems, 37 (2021), 105015.
[29] J. Lai and H. Liu, On a novel numerical scheme for the Riesz fractional partial differ-
ential equations, Mathematics, 9 (2021), 2014.
[30] Y. Deng, H. Liu and G. Zheng, Mathematical analysis of plasmon resonances for curved
nanorods, Journal de Math´ematiques Pures et Appliqu´ees, 153 (2021), 248–280.
[31] E. Bl˚asten and H. Liu, On corners scattering stably and stable shape determination
by a single far-field pattern, Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 70 (2021), no. 3, 907–947.
[32] Y.-T. Chow, Y. Deng, Y. He, H. Liu and X. Wang, Surface-localized transmission eigen-
states, super-resolution imaging and pseudo surface plasmon modes, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 14 (2021), no. 3, 946–975.
[33] E. Bl˚asten and H. Liu, Scattering by curvatures, radiationless sources, transmission
eigenfunctions and inverse scattering problems, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Anal- ysis, 53 (2021), no. 4, 3801–3837.
[34] H. Liu, C.-H. Tsou and W. Yang, On Calder´on’s inverse inclusion problem with smooth
shapes by a single partial boundary measurement, Inverse Problems, 37 (2021), 055005.
[35] H. Diao, H. Liu, L. Zhang and J. Zou, Unique continuation from a generalized
impedance edge-corner for Maxwell’s system and applications to inverse problems, Inverse Problems, 37 (2021), no. 3, 035004.
[36] X. Cao, H. Diao, H. Liu and J. Zou, On novel geometric structures of Laplacian eigen- functions in R3 and applications to inverse problems, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 53 (2021), 1263– 1294.
[37] H. Diao, X. Cao and H. Liu, On the geometric structures of transmission eigenfunctions
with a conductive boundary condition and applications, Communications in Partial Differential Equations, 46 (2021), no. 4, 630–679.
[38] J. Li, H. Liu and S. Ma, Determining a random Schr¨odinger operator: both potential
and source are random, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 381 (2021), 527– 556.
[39] X. Fang, Y. Deng and H. Liu, Sharp estimate of electric field from a conductive rod
and application, Studies in Applied Mathematics, 146 (2021), 279–297.
[40] H. Liu, W.-Y. Tsui, A. Wahab and X. Wang, Three-dimensional elastic scattering
coefficients and enhancement of the elastic near cloaking, Journal of Elasticity, 143 (2021), no. 1, 111– 146.
[41] H. Wang, W. Yang, B. He and H. Liu, Design and finite element simulation of
information-open cloaking devices, Journal of Computational Physics, 426 (2021), 109944.
[42] X. Cao, H. Diao and H. Liu, Determining a piecewise conductive medium body by a
single far-field measurement, CSIAM Transactions on Applied Mathematics, 1 (2020), 740-765.
[43] X. Cao, H. Diao, H. Liu and J. Zou, On nodal and singular structures of Lapla-
cian eigenfunctions and applications to inverse scattering problems, Journal de Math´ematiques Pures et Appliqu´ees, 143 (2020), 116– 161.
[44] H. Diao, H. Liu and L. Wang, On generalized Holmgren’s principle to the Lam´e oper-
ator with applications to inverse elastic problems, Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, 59 (2020), no. 5, 179.
[45] E. Bl˚asten and H. Liu, Recovering piecewise-constant refractive indices by a single
far-field pattern, Inverse Problems, 36 (2020), 085005.
[46] H. Liu and C.-H. Tsou, Stable determination of polygonal inclusions in Calder´on’s prob-
lem by a single partial boundary measurement, Inverse Problems, 36 (2020), 085010.
[47] Y. Deng, H. Liu and W.-Y. Tsui, Identifying variations of magnetic anomalies using
geomagnetic monitoring, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series A , 40 (2020), no. 11, 6411–6440.
[48] Y. Deng, H. Li and H. Liu, Spectral properties of Neumann-Poincar´e operator and
anomalous localized resonance in elasticity beyond quasi-static limit, Journal of Elas- ticity, 140 (2020), 213–242.
[49] W. Yin, W. Yang and H. Liu, A neural network scheme for recovering scattering
obstacles with limited phaseless far-field data, Journal of Computational Physics, 417 (2020), 109594.
[50] D. Zhang, F. Sun, Y. Guo and H. Liu, Unique determinations in inverse scattering
problems with phaseless near-field measurements, Inverse Problems and Imaging, 14 (2020), no. 3, 569–582.
[51] E. Bl˚asten, H. Li, H. Liu and Y. Wang, Localization and geometrization in plasmon res-
onances and geometric structures of Neumann-Poincar´e eigenfunctions, ESAIM: Math- ematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 54 (2020), no. 3, 957–976.
[52] Y. Deng, H. Li and H. Liu, Analysis of surface polariton resonance for nanoparticles in
elastic system, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 52 (2020), no. 2, 1786– 1805.
[53] Y. Deng, J. Li and H. Liu, On identifying magnetized anomalies using geomagnetic
monitoring within a magnetohydrodynamic model, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 235 (2020), 691–721.
[54] X. Cao and H. Liu, Determining a fractional Helmholtz system with unknown source
and medium parameter, Communications in Mathematical Sciences, 17 (2019), no. 7, 1861– 1876.
[55] H. Liu, X. Liu, X. Wang and Y. Wang, On a novel inverse scattering scheme using res-
onant modes with enhanced imaging resolution, Inverse Problems, 35 (2019), 125012.
[56] Y. Deng, H. Li and H. Liu, On spectral properties of Neuman-Poincar´e operator and
plasmonic resonances in 3D elastostatics, Journal of Spectral Theory, 9 (2019), no. 3, 767–789
[57] J. Li, H. Liu, W. Y. Tsui and X. Wang, An inverse scattering approach for geomet-
ric body generation: a machine learning perspective, Mathematics in Engineering, 1 (2019), no. 4, 800–823. doi:10.3934/mine.2019.4.800.
[58] J. Lai, H. Liu, J. Xiao and Y. Xu, The decoupling of elastic waves from a weak for-
mulation perspective, East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics, 9 (2019), no. 2, 241–251.
[59] J. Li, H. Liu and S. Ma, Determining a random Schr¨odinger equation with unknown
source and potential, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 51 (2019), no. 4, 3465– 3491.
[60] H. Liu, L. Rondi and J. Xiao, Mosco convergence for H(curl) spaces, higher integrability
for Maxwell’s equations, and stability in direct and inverse EM scattering problems, Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) , 21 (2019), no. 10, 2945–2993.
[61] H. Li, S. Li, H. Liu and X. Wang, Analysis of electromagnetic scattering from plasmonic
inclusions beyond the quasi-static approximation and applications, ESAIM: Mathemat- ical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 53 (2019), no. 4, 1351– 1371.
[62] Y. Deng, H. Liu and G. Uhlmann, On an inverse boundary problem arising in brain
imaging, Journal of Differential Equations, 267 (2019), no. 4, 2471–2502.
[63] Y. Deng, H. Liu and X. Liu, Recovery of an embedded obstacle and the surrounding
medium for Maxwell’s system, Journal of Differential Equations, 267 (2019), no. 4, 2192–2209.
[64] X. Wang, M. Song, Y. Guo, H. Li and H. Liu, Fourier method for identifying electro-
magnetic sources with multi-frequency far-field data, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 358 (2019), 279–292.
[65] Y. Guo, J. Li, H. Liu and X. Wang, Two gesture-computing approaches by using
electromagnetic waves, Inverse Problems and Imaging, 13 (2019), 879–901.
[66] D. Zhang, Y. Guo, J. Li and H. Liu, Locating multiple multipolar acoustic sources using
the direct sampling method, Communications in Computational Physics, 25 (2019), no. 5, 1328– 1356.
[67] X. Cao, Y.-H. Lin and H. Liu, Simultaneously recovering potentials and embedded ob-
stacles for anisotropic fractional Schr¨odinger operators, Inverse Problems and Imaging, 13 (2019), 197–210.
[68] Y. Deng, J. Li and H. Liu, On identifying magnetized anomalies using geomagnetic
monitoring, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 231 (2019), no. 1, 153– 187.
[69] H. Li and H. Liu, On anomalous localized resonance and plasmonic cloaking beyond
the quasistatic limit, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 474: 20180165
[70] H. Li, J. Li and H. Liu, On novel elastic structures inducing plariton resonances
with finite frequencies and cloaking due to anomalous localized resonance, Journal de Math´ematiques Pures et Appliqu´ees, 120 (2018), 195–219.
[71] D. Zhang, Y. Guo, J. Li and H. Liu, Retrieval of acoustic sources from multi-frequency
phaseless data, Inverse Problems, 34 (2018), 094001.
[72] H. Bastian, Y.-H. Lin and H. Liu, On localizing and concentrating electromagnetic
fields, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 78 (2018), no. 5, 2558–2574.
[73] J. Li, H. Liu and H. Sun, On a gesture-computing technique using electromagnetic
waves, Inverse Problems and Imaging, 12 (2018), no. 3, 677–696.
[74] X. Ji and H. Liu, On isotropic cloaking and interior transmission eigenvalue problems,
European Journal of Applied Mathematics, 29 (2018), no. 2, 253–280.
[75] J. Li, H. Liu and H. Sun, On an inverse elastic wave imaging scheme for nearly incom-
pressible materials, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 00 (2018), 1–29.
[76] H. Liu and J. Xiao, On electromagnetic scattering from a penetrable corner, SIAM
Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 49 (2017), no. 6, 5207–5241.
[77] J. Li, X. Li, H. Liu and Y. Wang, Electromagnetic interior transmission eigenvalue
problem for inhomogeneous media containing obstacles and its applications to near cloaking, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 82 (2017), 1013– 1042.
[78] E. Bl˚asten and H. Liu, On vanishing near corners of transmission eigenfunctions, Jour-
nal of Functional Analysis, 273 (2017), 3616–3632.
[79] Y. Guo, J. Li, H. Liu and X. Wang, Mathematical design of a novel input/instruction
device using a moving emitter, Inverse Problems, 33 (2017), 105009.
[80] E. Bl˚asten, X. Li, H. Liu and Y. Wang, On vanishing and localizing of transmission
eigenfunctions near singular points: a numerical study, Inverse Problems, 33 (2017), 105001.
[81] Y. Deng, H. Liu and G. Uhlmann, On regularized full- and partial-cloaks in acoustic
scattering, Communications in Partial Differential Equations, 42 (2017), no. 6, 821– 851.
[82] H. Liu and J. Xiao, Decoupling elastic waves and its applications, Journal of Differential
Equations, 265 (2017), no. 8, 4442–4480.
[83] Y. Shi, Y. Li, S. Li and H. Liu, State feedback design for nonlinear quadratic sys-
tems with randomly occurring actuator saturation, International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 15 (2017), Issue 3, pp. 1117– 1124.
[84] H. Li and H. Liu, On three-dimensional plasmon resonance in elastostatics, Annali di
Matematica Pura ed Applicata, 196 (2017), Issue 3, pp 1113– 1135.
[85] H. Liu and X. Liu, Recovery of an embedded obstacle and its surrounding medium by
formally-determined scattering data, Inverse Problems, 33 (2017), 065001.
[86] H. Liu, Y. Wang and S. Zhong, Nearly non-scattering electromagnetic wave set and
its application, Zeitschrift f¨ur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 68 (2017), 68:35.
[87] J. Li, H. Liu and Y. Wang, Recovering an electromagnetic obstacle by a few phaseless
backscattering measurements, Inverse Problems, 33 (2017), 035011.
[88] X. Wang, Y. Guo, D. Zhang and H. Liu, Fourier method for recovering acoustic sources
from multi-frequency far-field data, Inverse Problems, 33 (2017), 035001. (Selected into Editorial Highlights of 2017 by the journal)
[89] H. Liu, M. Petrini, L. Rondi and J. Xiao, Stable determination of sound-hard polyhe-
dral scatterers by a minimal number of scattering measurements, Journal of Differential Equations, 262 (2017), no. 3, 1631– 1670.
[90] H. Li and H. Liu, On anomalous localized resonance for the elastostatic system, SIAM
Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 48 (2016), no. 5, 3322–3344.
[91] Y. Deng, H. Liu and G. Uhlmann, Full and partial cloaking in electromagnetic scat-
tering, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 223 (2017), 265–299.
[92] H. Liu, Y. Wang and C. Yang, Mathematical design of a novel gesture-based instruc-
tion/input device using wave detection, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 9 (2016), no. 2, 822–841.
[93] G. Hu, J. Li, H. Liu and Q. Wang, A numerical study of complex reconstruction in
inverse elastic scattering, Communications in Computational Physics, 19 (2016), no. 5, 1265– 1286.
[94] Y. Guo, D. H¨omberg, G. Hu, J. Li and H. Liu, A time-domain sampling method for
inverse acoustic scattering problems, Journal of Computational Physics, 314 (2016), 647–660.
[95] K. Ando, H. Kang and H. Liu, Plasmon resonance with finite frequencies: a validation
of the quasi-static approximation for diametrically small inclusions, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 76 (2016), no. 2, 731–749.
[96] H. Liu and G. Uhlmann, Determining both sound speed and internal source in thermo
and photoacoustic tomography, Inverse Problems, 31 (2015), 105005. (Selected into Editorial Highlights of 2015 by the journal)
[97] J. Li, P. Li, H. Liu and X. Liu, Recovering multiscale buried anomalies in a two-layered
medium, Inverse Problems, 31 (2015), 105006.
[98] H. Li, J. Li and H. Liu, On quasi-static cloaking due to anomalous localized resonance in R3 , SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 75 (2015), 1245– 1260.
[99] J. Li and H. Liu, Recovering a polyhedral obstacle by a few backscattering measure-
ments, Journal of Differential Equations, 259 (2015), 2101–2120.
[100] G. Hu and H. Liu, Nearly cloaking the elastic wave fields, Journal de Math´ematiques Pures et Appliqu´ees, 104 (2015), 1045– 1074.
[101] G. Hu, J. Li and H. Liu, Uniqueness in determining refractive indices by formally- determined far-field data, Applicable Analysis, 94 (2015), 1259– 1269.
[102] J. Li, H. Liu, L. Rondi and G. Uhlmann, Regularized transformation-optics cloak- ing for the Helmholtz equation:from partial cloak to full cloak, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 335 (2015), 671–712.
[103] J. Li, H. Liu and Q. Wang, Fast imaging of electromagnetic scatterers by a two-stage multilevel sampling method, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series S, 8 (2015), 547–561.
[104] H. Liu, H. Zhao and C. Zou, Determining scattering support of anisotropic acoustic mediums and obstacles, Communications in Mathematical Sciences, 13 (2015), no. 4, 987– 1000.
[105] J. Li, H. Liu and H. Sun, Damping mechanisms for regularized transformation- acoustics cloaking, Contemp. Math., American Mathematical Society, 615 (2014), 233–253. (Special issue in honor of Prof. Gunther Uhlmann’s 60th birthday)
[106] G. Hu, J. Li, H. Liu and H. Sun, Inverse elastic scattering for multiscale rigid bodies with a single far-field pattern, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 7 (2014), 1799– 1825.
[107] G. Hu, J. Li and H. Liu, Recovering complex elastic scatterers by a single far-field pattern, Journal of Differential Equations, 257 (2014), 469–489.
[108] G. Bao, H. Liu and J. Zou, Nearly cloaking the full Maxwell equations: cloaking active contents with general conducting layers, Journal de Math´ematiques Pures et Appliqu´ees (9), 101 (2014), 716–733.
[109] J. Li, H. Liu, Y. Sun and Q. Wang, Ground detection by a single electromagnetic measurment, Journal of Computational Physics, 257 (2014), 554–571.
[110] J. Li, H. Liu and J. Zou, Locating multiple multiscale acoustic scatterers, SIAM Mutliscale Modelling & Simulation, 12 (2014), 927–952.
[111] G. Bao and H. Liu, Nearly cloaking the electromagnetic fields, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 74 (2014), 724–742.
[112] J. Li, H. Liu and Q. Wang, Enhanced multilevel linear sampling methods for inverse scattering problems, Journal of Computational Physics, 257 (2014), 554–571.
[113] J. Li, H. Liu and Q. Wang, Locating multiple multi-scale electromagnetic scatterers by a single far-field measurement, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 6 (2013), 2285– 2309.
[114] I. Kocyigit, H. Liu and H. Sun, Regular scattering patterns for near-cloaking devices and their implications for invisibility cloaking, Inverse Problems, 29 (2013), 045005.
[115] J. Li, H. Liu, Z. Shang and H. Sun, Two single-shot methods for locating multiple electromagnetic scatterers, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 73 (2013), 1721– 1746.
[116] J. Li and H. Liu, Optimal shape for a nozzle design problem using an arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerican finie element method, Journal of Inverse and Ill-posed Problems, 22 (2014), 9–30.
[117] J. Li, S. Li and H. Liu, Restarted nonlinear conjugate gradient method for parameter identification in elliptic system, Eurasian Journal of Mathematical and Computer Applications, Vol. 1, No. 1 (2013), 62–77.
[118] H. Liu, Schiffer’s conjecture, interior transmission eigenvalues and invisibility cloak- ing: singular problem vs. nonsingular problem, Contemporary Mathematics, American Mathematical Society, 598 (2013), 147– 154. (Special issue in honor of Prof. Sigurdur Helgason’s 85th birthday)
[119] H. Liu, On near-cloak in acoustic scattering, Journal of Differential Equations, 254 (2013), 1230– 1246.
[120] H. Liu, Z. J. Shang, H. Sun and J. Zou, On singular perturbation of the reduced wave equation and scattering from an embedded obstacle, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, 24 (2012), 803–821.
[121] J. Li and H. Liu, A class of polarization-invariant directional cloaks by concatenation via transformation optics, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, 123 (2012), 175– 187.
[122] H. Liu and H. Sun, Enhanced near-cloak by FSH lining, Journal de Math´ematiques Pures et Appliqu´ees (9), 99 (2013), 17–42. (Awarded Highly Cited Research in 12/2016.)
[123] J. Li, H. Liu and H. Sun, Enhanced approximate cloaking by SH and FSH lining, Inverse Problems, 28 (2012), 075011. (Selected as Insights by the journal)
[124] J. Li, H. Liu, H. Sun and J. Zou, Reconstructing acoustic obstacles by planar and cylindrical waves, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 53 (2012), 103705. (Selected as Research Highlights and Cover by the journal)
[125] J. Li, H. Liu, H. Sun and J. Zou, Imaging obstacles by hypersingular point sources, Inverse Problems and Imaging, 7 (2013), 545–563.
[126] K. Agarwal, X. Chen, L. Hu, H. Liu and G. Uhlmann, Ploarization-invariant direc- tional cloaking by transformation optics, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, 118 (2011), pp. 415–423.
[127] H. Liu and T. Zhou, Transformation optics and approximate cloaking, Contemporary Mathematics, American Mathematical Society, 559 (2011), 65–83.
[128] H. Liu and T. Zhou, Two dimensional invisibility cloaking via transformation optics, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series A , 31 (2011), pp. 525–543.
[129] J. Li, H. Liu and S. Mao, Approximate acoustic cloaking in inhomogeneous isotropic space, Science China Math, 56 (2013), 2631–2644.
[130] H. Liu and T. Zhou, On approximate electromagnetic cloaking by transformation media, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 71 (2011), 218–241.
[131] U. Hetmaniuk, H. Liu, On three dimensional active acoustic cloaking devices and their simulation, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 70 (2010), 2996–3021.
[132] H. Liu, Virtual reshaping and invisibility in obstacle scattering, Inverse Problems, 25(2009), 045006. (Selected into Editorial Highlights of 2009 by the journal)
[133] H. Liu, H. Zhang and J. Zou, Recovery of polyhedral scatterers by a single electro- magnetic far-field measurement, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 50 (2009), 123506.
[134] J. Li, H. Liu and J. Zou, Strengthened linear sampling method with a reference ball, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 31 (2009), no. 6, 4013–4040.
[135] X. Ding, H. Liu, Z. Shang and G. Sun, Preservation of stability properties near fixed points of linear Hamiltonian systems by symplectic integrators, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 217 (2011), 6105–6114.
[136] H. Liu, On recovering polyhedral scatterers with acoustic far-field measurements, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 74 (2009), 264–272.
[137] H. Liu, and J. Zou, Uniqueness in determining multiple polygonal scatterers of mixed type, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series B, 9 (2008), no. 2, 375-396
[138] H. Liu, A global uniqueness for formally determined inverse electromagnetic obstacle scattering, Inverse Problems, 24 (2008), 035018. (Selected into Editorial High- lights of 2008 by the journal)
[139] H. Liu, M. Yamamoto and J. Zou, New reflection principles for Maxwell equations and their applications, Numerical Mathematics.: Theory, Methods and Applications, 2 (2009), 1– 17.
[140] J. Li, H. Liu and J. Zou, Multilevel linear sampling method for inverse scattering problems, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 30 (2008), 1228-1250.
[141] H. Liu, M. Yamamoto and J. Zou, Reflection principle for Maxwell’s equations and its application to inverse electromagnetic scattering problem, Inverse Problems 23 (2007), 2357–2366. (Selected into Editorial Highlights of 2007 by the journal)
[142] H. Liu and J. Zou, On unique determination of partially coated polyhedral scatterers with far-field measurements, Inverse Problems, 23 (2007), 297–308.
[143] H. Liu and J. Zou, Zeros of Bessel and spherical Bessel functions and their applications for uniqueness in inverse acoustic obstacle scattering problems, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 72 (2007), 817–831.
[144] J. Hong, S. Jiang, C. Li and H. Liu, Explicit multi-symplectic methods for Hamiltonian wave equations, Communications in Computational Physics, 2 (2007), no. 4, 662–683.
[145] H. Liu, K. Zhang and R. Zhang, A global uniqueness result in inverse acoustic obstacle scattering problem, Northeast Mathematics Journal, 23(2007), 397–402.
[146] H. Liu and J. Zou, Uniqueness in an inverse acoustic obstacle scattering problem for both sound-hard and sound-soft polyhedral scatterers, Inverse Problems, 22 (2006), 515–524. (Featured Article of the journal for year 2006)
[147] H. Liu and J. Zou, Some new additive Runge-Kutta methods and their applications, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 190 (2006), 74–98.
[148] H. Liu and K. Zhang, Multi-symplectic Runge-Kutta-type methods for Hamiltonian wave equations, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 26 (2006), 252–271.
[149] J. Hong, H. Liu and G. Sun, The multi-sympleticity of partitioned Runge-Kutta methods for Hamiltonian PDEs, Mathematics of Computation 75 (2006), no. 253, 167– 181.
[150] R. P. K. Chan, H. Liu and G. Sun, Efficient symplectic Runge-Kutta methods, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 172 (2006), 908–924.
[151] J. Hong, H. Liu and G. Sun, Spurious behaviors of a symplectic integrator, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 50 (2005), no. 3-4, 519–528.
[152] H. Liu and G. Sun, Implicit Runge-Kutta methods based on Lobatto quadra- ture formula, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 82 (2005), 77–88.
[153] H. Liu, K. Zhang and R. Zhang, MSPRK methods for the Korteweg-de Vries equation, Northeast Mathematical Journal, 21 (2005), no.4, 387–390.
[154] H. Liu and G. Sun, Symplectic RK and symplectic PRK methods with real eigenval- ues, Journal of Computational Mathematics 22 (2004), 769–776.
[155] H. Liu, X. Liu and T. Wang, MBSP and CBSP of Orlicz functional space, Acta Anal- ysis Functionalis Applicata, 3 (2001), no. 3, 236–242. (An undergraduate paper)
● Conference Proceeding Publications
[1] H. Liu and J. Zou, On Uniqueness in Inverse Acoustic and Electromagnetic Obstacle
Scattering Problems, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Applied Inverse Problems, Vancouver, Canada, 2007
[2] H. Liu and J. Zou, On Uniqueness in Inverse Obstacle Scatterings, Proceedings of
The 2nd International Conference on Scientific Computing and Partial Differential Equations and The First East Asia SIAM Symposium, Hong Kong., 2006
[3] H. Liu and J. Zou, Inverse Obstacle Scattering: Some Theory and Numerics, Oberwol-
fach Reports, Vol 4, Issue 1, 2007, 331–333
● Other Writings: News Report
H. Liu and M. Ng, “Hong Kong Hosts 2014 SIAG/IS Conference ”, SIAM News, Oct.
2014. https://sinews2 .siam .org/DetailsPage/tabid/607/ArticleID/ 214/Hong-Kong-Hosts-2014-SIAG-IS-Conference .aspx
Plenary/Keynote Lectures at International Conferences
1. Frontiers in Mathematics, Jilin University, Sept 26–29, 2022, online.
2. The First East and Southeast Asia Workshop on Inverse Problems and Optimal Control, Aug 1–5, 2022, online.
3. The 33rd Annual Conference of China Simulation Federation, Committee on Analysis and Simulation of Uncertain Systems, Oct 17, 2021.
4. The Third International Conference on Mathematical Characterization, Analysis and Applications of Complex Information (CMCAA 2020), Beijing, Sept 11– 13, 2020.
5. The 9th International Conference on Inverse Problems and Related Topics, ICIP2018, Singapore, Aug 13– 17, 2018.
6. International Conference on Recent Advances in Computational and Applied Mathemat- ics, Wuhan University, China, Dec 16– 18, 2017.
7. Workshop on Mathematical Control Theory and Applications, Sichuan University, China, Nov, 2017
8. Applied Inverse Problems Conference 2017, Inverse Problems International Association (IPIA), Hangzhou, Zhejiang University, China, May 2017.
9. The 8th International Conference on Inverse Problems and Related Topics, ICIP2017, Seoul, Korea, June 27–July 1, 2016.
10. The Eighth International Workshop on Theoretical and Computational Analyses for Inverse Problems, June 18– 19, 2016, Beijing, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.
11. Annual Meeting of Beijing Computational Mathematics Society, Beijing, China, July, 2015.
12. AIP Conference 2015, Inverse Problems International Association (IPIA), Helsinki, Fin- land, May 2015.
13. International Conference on Inverse Problems and Optimal Control, The Chinese Uni- versity of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Dec 2014.
14. International Conference on Inverse Problems and PDE Control, Chengdu, Sichuan Uni- versity, China, July 30–Aug 3, 2012.
Invited Intensive Courses
1. Mathematical theory of plasmon/polariton resonances and applications, Tianyuan Math Centre (Northeast China), July 18–21, 2022. (Jointly with Dr. LI Hongjie from CUHK)
2. Selected Topics on Inverse Problems and Mathematical Materials Science, Jilin Univer- sity, Jan 1–4, 2022.
3. Minicourse on Inverse Scattering Theory and Invisibility Cloaking, HIT, July 2021.
4. Minicourse on Inverse Scattering Theory and Invisibility Cloaking, SUSTech, July 2020.
5. Minicourse on Inverse Problems and Invisibility, Central South University, Changsha, Nov 2019.
6. Minicourse on Inverse Problems and Invisibility, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, July 2019.
7. Minicourse on Inverse Scattering Theory, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Nov 2018.
8. 2018 Summer School for Numerical PDEs, Introduction to Inverse Problems and Appli- cations, Beijing, Aug 3– 14, 2018.
9. Minicourse on Inverse Problems and Invisibility, National Centre for Theoretical Sciences, National Taiwan University, Taipei, July 2015.
Conferences/Special Sessions/Minisymposia Organized
1. Co-organizer, The 6th EAIPIA Young Scholars Symposium, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, March 25-26, 2023.
2. Co-organizer, Mini-symposium on Inverse Problems and Imaging, CSIAM Annual Meet- ing, Nov 17-20, 2022
3. International Advisory Board, The 6th International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics, October 31–November 06, 2022, Antalya,Turkey.
4. Co-organizer, Mini-symposium on Recent Advances on Inverse Problems in Imaging, SIAM Conference on Imaging Science, March 21–25, 2022.
5. Chair, 2021 Minjiang Workshop on Applied and Computational Mathematics, Dec 25– 26, 2021.
6. Co-organizer, Mini-symposium on Mathematical Materials Science, Annual Meeting, CSIAM, Oct, 2021.
7. Co-organizer, 2021 Young Scholars Workshop on Analysis and Computations in Materials Sciences, Beijing Normal University (Zhuhai), August, 2021.
8. Co-organizer, Miniworkshop on Inverse Problems and Mathematical Materials Science, Central South University, July, 2021.
9. Co-organizer, 2020 Young Scholars Workshop on Analysis and Computations in Materials Sciences, Wuhan University, Dec. 11– 13, 2020.
10. Board member, Applied Math Seminars for HKSIAM and HK Universities, Sept 2020 and onwards.
11. Co-organizer, Joint Webinar on Analysis and Computation in Materials Science, Aug
2020 and onwards.
12. Co-organizer, SUSTech CAM Mini-Workshop, SUSTech, Shenzhen, China, June 13– 14, 2020.
13. International organizing committee, The 5th International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics, ICAAM 2020, Sept 23-30, 2020, North Cyprus, Turkey
14. Organizing committee, International Workshop on Inverse Problems and Related Topics, Shenzhen, China, Feb, 2020.
15. Co-chair, Workshop on Inverse Problems and Metamaterials, Central South University, Changsha, China, Nov 6–8, 2019.
16. Co-chair, The 2nd HKBU-SJTU Joint Workshop on Scientific Computing, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, Oct 25–27, 2019.
17. Co-chair, The Second Workshop on Analysis, Scientific Computing and Applications of PDEs (ASAP Workshop), Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China, Oct 18–21, 2019.
18. Organizing committee, The 5th East Asia Section of IPIA Young Scholars Symposium, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, June 8– 10, 2019.
19. Co-chair, The First Workshop on Analysis, Scientific Computing and Applications of PDEs (ASAP Workshop), Qilu University of Technology (Shandong Academy of Sci- ences), China, May 18–20, 2019, .
20. Co-chair, Workshop on Inverse Problems and Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, Nov 10– 12, 2018, Central South University, Changsha, China.
21. Co-chair, The 1st HKBU-SJTU Joint Workshop on Scientific Computing, Hong Kong Baptist University, April 20–22, 2018.
22. Chair, The 3rd East Asia Section of IPIA Young Scholars Symposium, Hong Kong Baptist University, March 17– 18, 2018.
23. Co-chair, The 3rd Young Scholars Workshop on Inverse Problems, Imaging and PDEs, Jan 12– 14, 2018, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China.
24. International Organization Committee, The 4th International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICAAM), Sept 6–9, 2018, Cyprus, Turkey,
25. Co-chair, Young Scholars Workshop on Inverse Problems, Imaging and PDEs, March 24–26, 2017, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China.
26. International Advisor Board, The 3rd International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Institute of Mathematics and Mathematical Modelling (ICAAM), Sept 7– 10, 2016, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
27. Minisymposium co-organizer, “Qualitative and quantitative inverse scattering algorithms”, The 8th International Conference on Inverse Problems and Related Topics, Seoul, Korea, Jun 27–July 1, 2016.
28. Co-chair, First East Asia Symposium of Inverse Problems International Association, Feb 29–March 1, 2016, Shenzhen, China.
29. Organizing Committee, Hong Kong Colloquium on Inverse Problems, Imaging and PDEs, Nov 6, 2015, IAS, HKUST.
30. Minisymposium co-organizer, “ Recent advances on inverse scattering problems”, Inter- national Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM), Beijing, China, Aug 10-14, 2015.
31. Minisymposium co-organizer, “Recent developments on numerical inverse scattering prob- lems”, AIP conference 2015, Helsinki, Finland, May 25–29, 2015.
32. Minisymposium co-organizer, “Analysis and Computation for PDE-based Inverse Prob- lems”, Scientific Computation and Partial Differential Equations (SCPDE 14), Hong Kong, December 8– 12, 2014.
33. Minisymposium co-organizer, “Inverse Scattering Problems in Imaging Science”, SIAM Conference on Imaging Science, Hong Kong, May 12– 14, 2014.
34. Minisymposium co-organizer, Applied Inverse Problems, Texas A&M University, 2010.
35. Special session organizer, Inverse Problems: Analysis and Computations, AMS & MAA joint annual meeting, San Francisco, USA, 2010.
36. Symposium organizer, Multisymplectic Integrators, International Conference on Scien- tific Computation and Differential Equations, SciCADE09, Beijing, China, 2009
Invited Lectures
1. Colloquium talk, China Aviation University, Tianjin, Feb 7, 2023. “Inverse problems
with passive measurements and applications”
2. Colloquium talk, Central China Normal University, Dec 28, 2022. “Inverse problems
with passive measurements and applications”
3. Colloquium talk, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Dec 9, 2022. “Inverse problems with passive measurements and applications”
4. Colloquium speaker, Hang Seng University, Dec 1, 2022. “Inverse problems with passive measurements and applications”
5. Colloquium speaker, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nov 23, 2022. ”Spec- tral patterns of transmission eigenfunctions and applications”
6. Invited speaker, HKUST IAS Workshop on Inverse Problems, Imaging and PDEs, Nov 29, 2022.
7. Colloquium speaker, Tianyuan Northwestern Center, Xi’an Jiao Tong University, Nov 16, 2022. “Geometric patterns of wave propagations inside invisible scatterers and appli- cations”
8. Invited speaker, International Workshop on Theories and Applications of Inverse Prob- lems, East China University of Technology, Nov 6, 2022. ”Geometric patterns of wave propagations inside transparent scatterers and applications”
9. Invited speaker, 10th International Conference on Inverse Problems: Modelling and Sim- ulation, Malta, May 22–28, 2022.
10. Colloquium speaker, Southwest Jiaotong University, China, April 28, 2022. “Mathemat- ical theory of visibility and invisibility”
11. Colloquium speaker, Changchun University of Science and Technology, China, March 29,
2022. “Mathematical theory of visibility and invisibility”
12. Invited speaker, SIAM Conference on Imaging Science, Germany, March 21, 2022. “In- visibility enables super visibility”
13. Colloquium speaker, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China, Dec 23, 2021. “Spectral geometries of transmission resonances and applications”
14. Invited speaker, Workshop on Computational Mathematics, Anhui Normal University, China, Dec 5, 2021. “Spectral geometries of transmission resonances and applications”
15. Al-Farabi Research Seminar, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan, Oct 29, 2021. “Math- ematical theory of a class of inverse problems with unknown sources and mediums”
16. Colloquium speaker, Central Normal University, Sept 17, 2021. “Mathematical theory of a class of inverse problems with unknown sources and mediums”
17. Colloquium speaker, Northeast Normal University, June 18, 2021. “Mathematical theory of a class of inverse problems with unknown sources and mediums”
18. Colloquium speaker, Fujian University of Technology, June 7, 2021. “Mathematical theory of a class of inverse problems with unknown sources and mediums”
19. Colloquium speaker, Civil Aviation University of China, June 1, 2021. “Mathematical theory of invisibility and its oneness with visibility after duality”
20. Invited speaker, Tianyuan Centre, Wuhan University, May 12, 2021. “Mathematical
theory of cloaking and more”
21. Colloquium speaker, School of Mathematics, Harbin Institute of Technology, April 22,
2021. “Invisibility enables super visibility”
22. Invited speaker, Theory and Numerics of Inverse and Ill-posed Problems, Novosibirsk, Russia, April 16, 2021. “Invisibility enables super-resolution imaging”
23. Colloquium speaker, School of Mathematics, Xi’an Jiaotong University, April 14, 2021. “Invisibility enables super-resolution imaging”
24. Colloquium speaker, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Hunan University, Changsha, Jan 19, 2021. “Geometrical properties of transmission resonance and applications”
25. Invited speaker, 2020 Young Scholars Workshop on Analysis and Computations in Ma- terials Sciences, Wuhan University, Dec 11– 13, 2020.
26. Invited speaker, IAS Conference on Industrial and Applied Math, HKUST, Jan 11– 15, 2021.
27. Invited speaker, Annual Meeting on PDEs, AMSS, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dec 11– 12, 2020.
28. Invited speaker, Workshop on Inverse Problems, Tianyuan Mathematical Center in Northwest China, Xian, Dec 19–22, 2020.
29. Colloquium speaker, School of Mathematics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Nov 23, 2020.
30. Invited speaker, Online workshop on Inverse Problems, Heilongjiang University, Nov 15, 2020.
31. Invited speaker, Wave propagations: analysis, computation and applications, CSIAM Annual Meeting, Oct 31, 2020.
32. Invited speaker, Online Workshop on Inverse Problems, Southeast University, Oct 25, 2020.
33. Invited speaker, Workshop on Multiphysics: Mathematical Theory and Numerical Meth- ods, Aug 21–23, 2020.
34. Colloquium speaker (online), Shandong Normal University, July 30, 2020.
35. Invited speaker, SUSTech CAM Mini-Workshop, June 13-14, 2020.
36. Colloquium speaker (online), Jilin University, June 4, 2020.
37. Invited speaker, One World Seminar on Imaging and Inverse Problems (online), June 3, 2020.
38. Colloquium speaker, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, May 25, 2020.
39. Invited speaker, NCTS PDE & Analysis Seminar (online), National Taiwan University, May 20, 2020.
40. Colloquium speaker (online), Northeast Normal University, May 20, 2020.
41. Colloquium speaker, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan, Dec 11, 2019.
42. Colloquium speaker, Qilu University of Technology (Shandong Academy of Sciences), Jinan, Dec 4, 2019.
43. Colloquium speaker, Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun, Dec 2, 2019.
44. Colloquium speaker, Fujiang Enginering University, Fuzhou, Nov 26, 2019.
45. Colloquium speaker, Minjiang College, Fuzhou, Nov 25, 2019.
46. Invited speaker, IAS Workshop on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, HKUST, Dec 1–6, 2019.
47. Invited speaker, Workshop on Computational Mathematics, Beijing University of Tech- nology, Nov 18–20, 2019.
48. Colloquium speaker, Harbin Institute of Technology, Oct 30, Harbin, China.
49. Colloquium speaker, Jilin University, Oct 29, Changchun, China
50. Colloquium speaker, Northeast Normal University, Oct 28, Changchun, China
51. Invited speaker, IAS Workshop on Inverse Problems, Imaging and Partial Differential Equations, May 20-24, 2019, HKUST, Hong Kong.
52. Invited speaker, The Third Conference on Scientific and Engineering Computing for Young Chinese Scientists, Beijing, Aug 17–21, 2019.
53. Colloquium speaker, Central South University, April 23, 2019, Changsha, China.
54. Invited speaker, Big Data Challenges for Predictive Modeling of Complex Systems, November 26-30, 2018, Hong Kong.
55. Invited speaker, Forum in Scientific Computing and Interdisciplinary Research, Novem- ber 15-17, 2018, Guangzhou, China.
56. Invited speaker, Workshop on Inverse Problems and Numerical Methods for PDEs, Nov 9, 2018, Changsha, China.
57. Colloquium speaker, Changchun University of Science and Technology, Nov 7, 2018, China.
58. Colloquium speaker, School of Mathematics, Jilin University, Nov 6, 2018, China.
59. Colloquium speaker, School of Mathematics, Northeast Normal University, Nov 5, 2018, China.
60. Colloquium speaker, School of Mathematics, University of Electronic Science and Tech- nology of China, Oct 23, 2018, China.
61. Colloquium speaker, School of Mathematics, Sichuan University, Oct 22, 2018, Chengdu, China.
62. Invited speaker, The 4th Forum of Scientific Computing, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Sept 28–30, 2018, Beijing, China.
63. Invited speaker, Inverse Problems, PDE and Geometry, August 20-23, 2018, Jyv¨askyl¨a, Finland
64. Colloquium speaker, School of Mathematics, Beijing Normal University, Aug 8, 2018.
65. Colloquium speaker, School of Mathematics, Renmin University, Aug 7, 2018.
66. Colloquium speaker, Department of Mathematics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Aug 1, 2018.
67. Colloquium speaker, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland, July 2018.
68. Colloquium speaker, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, April 3, 2018.
69. Colloquium speaker, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan, April 2, 2018.
70. Invited speaker, Young Scholars Workshop on Inverse Problems, Wuhan University, April 1, 2018.
71. Invited speaker, IAS Workshop on Inverse Problems, Imaging and PDEs, HKUST Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study, Hong Kong, March 12– 16, 2018.
72. Colloquium speaker, Institute of Computational Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sci- ences, Beijing, Feb 28, 2018.
73. Invited speaker, International Workshop on the Neumann-Poincar´e Operator, Plasmon- ics and Field Concentrations, Feb 8– 10, Jeju, S. Korea.
74. Colloquium speaker, Department of Mathematics, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China, Dec 18, 2017.
75. Invited speaker, Workshop on Mathematical Control Theory and Application, Chengdu, China, Nov 24–27, 2017.
76. Colloquium speaker, Department of Mathematics, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China, Nov 23, 2017.
77. Colloquium speaker, Department of Mathematics, Jilin University, China, Nov 17, 2017.
78. Colloquium speaker, Department of Mathematics, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China, Nov 16, 2017.
79. Joint Colloquium speaker, Institute of Mathematical Science and Department of Math- ematics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Nov 3, 2017.
80. IAS Seminar speaker, Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study, The Hong Kong Uni- versity of Science and Technology, Nov 1, 2017.
81. Colloquium speaker, Institute of Computational Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sci- ences, Beijing, China, July 25, 2017.
82. Colloquium speaker, Department of Mathematics, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, July 2017.
83. Colloquium speaker, Department of Mathematics, Heilongjiang University, Harbin, China, July 2017.
84. Invited speaker, Workshop on Seismic Imaging and Inverse Problems, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China, July 1, 2017.
85. Colloquium speaker, Institute of Applied Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, June 2017.
86. Colloquium speaker, School of Science, Qilu Technology University, Jinan, Shandong, China, June 2017.
87. Minisymposium speaker, Applied Inverse Problems Conference, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, May 2017.
88. Colloquium speaker, Department of Mathematics, Central South University, Changsha, China, May 2017.
89. Colloquium speaker, Department of Mathematics, Hunan University, Changsha, China, May 2017.
90. Colloquium speaker, Department of Mathematics, Hunan Normal University, Changsha, May 2017.
91. Minisymposium speaker, The 10th International Conference on Computational Physics (ICCP10), Macau, China, Jan 16–20, 2017.
92. Invited speaker, Special Session on Inverse Scattering, Annual Meeting of China Society for Industry and Applied Math, Xiangtan, Hunan, China, Aug 12– 14, 2016.
93. Invited speaker, Workshop on Inverse Problems, Computation and Applications, Zhe- jiang University, Hangzhou, China, July 2016.
94. Colloquium speaker, Institute of Computational Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sci- ences, Beijing, China, June 2016.
95. Colloquium speaker, Department of Mathematics, Renmin University, Beijing, China, June 2016.
96. Minisymposium speaker, WCCM XII and APCOM VI, July 24–29, 2016, Seoul, Korea.
97. Minisymposium speaker, The Eighth International Conference on Inverse Problems and Related Topics, Seoul, Korea, June 27–July 1, 2016.
98. Invited speaker, The Eight International Workshop on Theoretical and Computational Analyses for Inverse Problems, Beijing, June 18– 19, 2016.
99. Invited speaker, IAS Workshop on Inverse Problems, Imaging and PDEs, HKUST Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study, Hong Kong, Sept 28–Oct 2, 2015.
100. Invited speaker, The Third Chongqing Workshop on Computational Mathematics, Chongqing, China, June 25–26, 2015.
101. Mini-course on cloaking, National Center of Theoretical Studies, National Taiwan Uni- versity, Taiwan, July 15–22, 2015.
102. Colloquium speaker, Department of Mathematics, Southeast University, Nanjing, June 3, 2015.
103. Invited speaker, Spectral and Analytic Inverse Problems, Institut Henri Poincare, Paris, France, May 4–7, 2015.
104. Invited minisymposium speaker, The 8th ICIAM, Beijing, China. August 10– 14, 2015.
105. Invited speaker, Inverse Problems in the Physical Sciences, IP-Phys2015, Santiago, Chile, August 3–5, 2015.
106. Colloquium speaker, Department of Mathematics, Inha University, Incheon, S. Korea, Dec 2014.
107. Invited speaker, Recent Advances on Numerical Analysis, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, November 15-16, 2014.
108. Invited speaker, International Conference on Applied Mathematics, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, December 1-5, 2014.
109. Invited speakers, Minisymposia “High Frequency Wave Propagation and Related Imaging Problems” and “Inverse Scattering Problems in Imaging Science”, SIAM Conference on Imaging Science, May 12– 14, 2014.
110. Invited speaker, Applied Math Seminar, Purdue University, West Lafayette, April 4, 2014.
111. Invited speaker, Math Department, University of Texas, Austin, March 18, 2014.
112. Invited speaker, Workshop on Numerical Methods for Wave Propagation in the Second International Conference on Engineering and Computational Mathematics (ECM2013), Hong Kong Polytechnic University, December 16-18, 2013.
113. Invited speaker, Analysis Seminar, Clemson University, SC, Nov 1, 2013.
114. Invited speaker, PDE Seminar, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, Sept 11, 2013.
115. Invited speaker, special session on Applied Analysis and Inverse Problems, AMS Fall Southeastern Section Meeting, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, October 5–6, 2013.
116. Invited speaker, Applied and Computational Math Seminar, Florida International Uni- versity, Oct 5 2013.
117. Invited speaker, Copper Country Workshop on Numerical Analysis and Inverse Problems, Aug 12– 14, 2013, Michigan Technological University.
118. Invited seminar speaker, Department of Mathematics, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China, July 24, 2013.
119. Invited speaker to minisymposia “Inverse Scattering Problems” and “Invisibility Cloak- ing”, Applied Inverse Problems Conference, Korea Advanced Institute for Science and Technology, Daejeon, Korea, July 1–5, 2013.
120. Invited speaker, The Second International Conference on Interdisciplinary Applied and Computational Mathematics, Hangzhou, China, 19–22 June, 2013.
121. Invited speaker to the session “Inverse Problems”, The Second Pacific Rim Mathematical Association (PRIMA) Congress, Shanghai, China, June 24–28, 2013.
122. Invited seminar speaker, Department of Mathematics, Southeast University, Nanjing, China, June 9, 2013.
123. Invited seminar speaker, Institute of Applied Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, June 7, 2013.
124. Invited seminar speaker, Institute of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, June 6, 2013.
125. Invited speaker, The First Chonqing Workshop on Computational and Applied Mathe- matics, Chongqing, China, May 30–June 2, 2013.
126. Invited speaker, Mathematical Physics Seminar, Department of Math and Statistics, UNCC, April 2013.
127. Invited speaker, The International Workshop on Scientific Computing for Young Chinese Mathematicians, March 15– 17, 2013, Hong Kong SAR.
128. Invited speaker, Workshop on Scattering and Inverse Scattering, Dec 2012, Zhejiang University, China.
129. Invited speaker, International Conference on Inverse Problems and Applications, Sept 17–21, 2012, Hangzhou, Zhejiang University, China.
130. Invited speaker, Workshop on Inverse Scattering, Aug 2012, Michigan State University.
131. Invited minisymposium speaker, AMS and MAA joint annual meeting, Boston, Jan 4–7, 2012.
132. Invited speaker, Workshop on Geometric Analysis on Euclidean and Homogeneous Spaces, Tufts University, Jan 1–8, 2012.
133. Invited speaker, Mathematical Physics Seminar, Department of Math and Statistics, UNCC, Nov 2011.
134. Invited minisymposium speaker, AMS Western Sectional Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2011.
135. Invited speaker, 5th Pacific Rim Conference on Mathematics, Stanford University, USA, 2010.
136. BIRS conference on Inverse Transport Theory and Tomography, Banff, Canada, 2010.
137. Invited colloquium speaker, Department of Mathematics, University of Zurich, Switzer- land, 2010.
138. Invited colloquium speaker, Department of Mathematics, University of Kansas, Lawrence, USA, 2010.
139. Invited speaker, Applied Math Seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of Cal- ifornia, Irvine, USA, 2010.
140. Invited speaker, Applied Math Seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of Texas, Austin, USA, 2009.
141. Invited mini-symposium speaker, SIAM Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Mate- rials Science, May 23-26, 2010, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
142. Invited speaker, Applied Math Seminar, Department of Mathematics, Michigan Sate University, USA, 2009.
143. Invited mini-symposium speaker, SIAM conference on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations, 2009, Miami, Florida, USA.
144. Invited speaker, AMS Mathematics Research Community (MRC) conference on Inverse Problems, Snowbird, Utah, USA, 2009.
145. Invited mini-symposium speaker, Cloaking and Invisibility, SIAM Annual Meeting, Den- ver, Colorado, USA, 2009.
146. Invited mini-course speaker, Morningside Center of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 2009.
147. Invited colloquium speaker, Department of Mathematics, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China, 2009.
148. Invited colloquium speaker, Institute of Applied Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sci- ences, Beijing, China, 2009.
149. Invited speaker, Inverse Problems Seminar, University of Washington, Oct. 2008.
150. Invited speaker, Multiscale Modeling, Analysis, and Simulations, March 27 & 28, 2008, Michigan Center for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Michigan State University.
151. Invited speaker, Inverse Problems Seminar, University of Washington, Nov. 2007.
152. Invited colloquium speaker, Institute of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, May, 2007.
153. Invited colloquium speaker, Institute of Computational Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, May, 2007.
154. Invited speaker, Computational Electromagnetism and Acoustics, Feb. 4– 10, 2007, Ober- wolfach, Germany.
155. Invited speaker, RGC Postgraduate Student Conference on Computer Image & Vision, June 12– 15, 2007, Hong Kong.
156. Contributed speaker, The 2nd International Conference on Scientific Computing and Partial Differential Equations & The First East Asia SIAM Symposium, Dec. 2006, Hong Kong.