Ph.D., associate professor
2000 - Graduated with honors from CMC faculty of MSU
2003 – Ph.D. in mathematics, dissertation theme “Variable metric methods for equilibrium programming problems solving”
Creator of 7 unique mathematical courses, such as
● Dynamic regularization methods
● Optimization methods
● Equilibrium programming methods
Author of 13 books, such as
● Optimization methods, 2016, ISBN 978-5-9916-6157-7
● Geometry - full course, 2017, ISBN 978-5-00101-082-1
Author of more than 20 articles, such as
· 2015 Variable-Metric Discrete Extragradient Method for Saddle-Point Problems
· Budak, Nichiporchuk
· Computational Mathematics and Modeling, Consultants Bureau (United States) 26, № 2, p. 204-212 DOI 10.1007/s10598-015-9268-z
· 2015 Variable-Metric Continuous Proximal Methods
· Budak
· Computational Mathematics and Modeling, Consultants Bureau (United States), 26, № 1, с. 87-106
· DOI 10.1007/s10598-014-9258-6
Main scientific directions: optimization and equilibrium problems, unstable problems
Courses taught: mathematical analysis-1, mathematical analysis-2, mathematical analysis-3, optimization methods, computer practice in boundary programs, computer practice in optimal control, dynamic regularization, dean’s course (introduction to specialisation, MSU-BIT)
14 talks on conferences.
24 bachelors and masters successfully defended their grade works under his leadership. 21 from MSU, 2 from MSU-BIT, 1 from MISIS
2012-2019 - in addition to MSU activities, associate professor in National university of Science and Tecnology MISIS.
2016 - Prize for the MSU development Programme (book “Optimization methods”)
2017-2020 - Co-head of the jury of 1-st level mathematical olympiad “Lomonosov”
2019 - present time – Vice-dean of CMC faculty of MSU-BIT University, Shenzhen
2020 - Prize “Shenzhen’s best teacher”