Personal Information
Full name | Evgeny Ivanovich Atamas |
Date of birth 19.01.1991 Place of birth Moscow, USSR |
Nationality | Russian Federation |
Russian Mothertongue
English Advanced
2013–2016 PhD student, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Computational
Mathematics and Cybernetics , Moscow. Specialized in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Control Processes
2008–2013 Specialist in Mathematics and System Programming, Lomonosov Moscow
State University, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics , Moscow,Diploma with honours.
Specialization: Nonlinear Dynamics, Computer Science and Control
PhD Thesis
Title Inversion algorithms for time-delay systems .
Supervisor Professor A. V. Ilin.
Specialists Thesis
Title Supervisor | Inversion algorithm for some class of dynamic systems with delay . Professor A. V. Ilin. |
Research Interests
{ Mathematical control theory
{ Time-delay equations
{ Algebraic methods in control theory
Teaching experience
2016-2021 Control of time-delay systems, Lomonosov Moscow State University .
2017-2021 Infinite dimensional control systems, Lomonosov Moscow State University .
2017-2021 Control of time-varying and MIMO systems, Lomonosov Moscow State University .
2013-2020 Mathematical analysis, Linear algebra, Advanced Mathematics, Lomonosov Moscow State University .
2019-2021 Linear algebra, Advanced mathematics, Special topics in mathematical sciences, SMBU .
2016 Government Prize to support talented youth
2013 Best Diplomas Award, II prize
International schools participation
2014 EECI International Graduate School on Control
- Stability and Control of Time-delay Systems
- Nonlinear control over Networks with Uncertain Sampling and Delays
2014 Rome-Moscow School of Matrix Methods and Applied Linear Algebra
Full list of publications (in Russian) can be found at https://istina.msu.ru/profile/eatamas/