


作者:    审核:    发布时间:2021-08-19    阅读次数:


·         date of birth: 10 May 1962

·         nationality: Russia

·         place of work: Shenzhen MSU – BIT University, China

·         scientific degree: Doctor of Physics and Mathematics (1997), specialty: “Mathematical software of computers...”

·         academic title: Professor (2002)

·         visiting professor at leading universities of Europe (12 times)

·         13 candidates of sciences (PhD) already defended under my supervision

·         during 5 years – the chairman of the doctor dissertation council

·         about 40 presentations at international conferences outside Russia

·         about 100 presentations at international conferences in Russia

·         H-index (htth://www.elibrary.ru ) = 18

·         H-index (htth://www.scopus.com ) = 6

·         Erdős number = 4

·         e-mail: bormel@mail.ru

·         URL: http://www.mathnet.ru/php/person.phtml?personid=27967

Curriculum Vitae

(last modification: 20 June 2020; all the links are clickable, mostly in Russian)

Scientific biography

·         Professor (scientific degree), 2002

·         Doctor of physics and mathematics, 1997; place of defense: Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics; thesis: “Application of the properties of special monoids in the theory of formal languages”; official opponents: Ruslan Smelyansky, Rimma Podlovchenko, Viktor Latyshev

·         Candidate of physics and mathematics (PhD), 1990; place of defense: Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics; thesis: “The method of studying infinite iterations of words”; scientific adviser: Larisa Staneviciene

·         University graduate 1984; diploma thesis: Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Department of Computer Systems Automation; diploma thesis: “Algebra of software graphs”; scientific adviser: Ruslan Smelyansky

·         School graduate 1979, Kolmogorov School of Lomonosov Moscow State University



·         since September 2018: Shenzhen MSU – BIT University, China, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics

·         at the same time, since September 2017: Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Professor

·         at the same time, since September 2017: Russian State Social University, Professor

·         January 2017 – September 2017: Center for Information Technology and Systems of Executive Authorities, Chief Researcher

·         July 2013 г. – December 2016: Samara State University (since November 2015, the university is united with the Samara State Aerospace University after S. P. Korolev), Professor, Head of the Department of Applied Mathematics

·         at the same time in 2014–2016: Editor-in-Chief of the All-Russian Electronic Scientific Journal Heuristic Algorithms and Distributed Computing

·         2003–2013: Togliatti State University, Professor

·         in the same time in 2008–2013: the Chairman of the Dissertation Council 212.264.03

·         1992– 2003: Ulyanovsk State University (before 1996 – Ulyanovsk Branch of Lomonosov Moscow State University): all “steps” from the assistant till Professor, Head of the Department of Theoretical Cybernetics

·         1984–1992: Research Institute of Technology(Leningrad Region), Programmer, Senior Programmer

·         at the same time in 1988–1990: Lomonosov Moscow State University, extramural post- graduate student of Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics

·         1979 – 1984: Lomonosov Moscow State University, student of Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics



Erdős number = 4


·    = 21 (http://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=ru&user=Idxu-ssAAAAJ)

·    = 18 (http://elibrary.ru/author_items.asp?authorid=15715)

·    = 6 (https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=55954040300 ) H-index, calculated only on articles in journals:

·    = 14 (http://elibrary.ru/author_items.asp?authorid=15715) H-index, calculated without self-citation:

·    = 11 (http://elibrary.ru/author_items.asp?authorid=15715) i10-index:

·    = 41 (http://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=ru&user=Idxu-ssAAAAJ)

·    = 24 (http://elibrary.ru/author_items.asp?authorid=15715)


·         202 full papers (1452 citations) in Russian Index of Scientific Citation

·         85 of them are included in so-called “List of Higher Attestation Commission”, and 64 of them are included in so-called “Core of Russian Index of Scientific Citation”

·         43 papers (117 citations) in Scopus


International scientific activity (Visiting professor and European scientific grants, 1–3 months):

·         1998 – Germany, Leipzig & Dieburg, Fachhochschule Telekom

·         2000 and 2001 – Bulgaria, Varna, Technological University

·         2004 – Czech Republic, Brno, Masarykova Univerzita (601th –800th rank of THE)

·         2006, 2008, and 2014 – Switzerland, Zürich, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (11th rank of THE

·         2009 and 2014 – Italia, Politecnico di Milano (301th–350th rank of THE)

·         2010 – Slovakia, Bratislava, Univerzita Komenského (801th–1000th rank of THE)

·         2011 – Germany, Berlin, Humbolt Universität (67th rank of THE)

·         2012 – Bulgaria, Sofia, University “St. Kliment Ohridski” (included in the rank of THE)


Scientific advising:

·         13 PhD (candidate) thesis, defended since 1999 – by specialties 05.13.18 и 05.13.17 (software etc; Mathematical sciences and Technical sciences) and 01.01.09 (Mathematical sciences); below is the list of their thesis

·         about 100 Master, Specialist, and Bachelor thesis defended since 1995


The Provincial Prize of Samara Region for the best scientific work, 2012.

The Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 2013.


Fields of scientific interests:


·         Artificial intelligence and programming nondeterministic games: description of the modifications of the search-tree for various nondeterministic games, the use of risk functions to select the move, tournament self-

learning for genetic algorithms, imitation of opponent thinking in various problems of AI, the use of analogs of production rules in intelligent game programming, the use of “game” heuristics in discrete optimization problems.

·         Heuristic algorithms: quick algorithms for decision making in the case of multi-criteria optimization, various modifications of the branch-and-bound method, multi-heuristic approach, genetic algorithms and tournament approaches to the self-learning, simulation annealing and hybrid algorithms. Describing the approach to estimating the representativeness of randomly generated input. Describing the approach to (heuristic) estimations of the effectiveness of heuristic algorithms. Distributed computing for solving discrete optimization problems. Generalizations of the concepts of approximation and approximation algorithms.

·         Discrete optimization problems: the use of anytime algorithms in various areas, such as classical puzzles, DNF-minimization, NFA-minimization by various criteria (state, edge and star-height criteria), pseudo- geometrical version of the traveling salesman problem, binary phase-manipulation radio signals correlation noise minimizing.

·         Mathematical modeling: description of models in various technical and humanitarian fields, simulation modeling, modeling of problem solving algorithms.

·         DNA sequence processing algorithms: quality check of algorithms, reconstruction of distance matrices.

·         Nondeterministic finite automata (NFA) and regular languages: alternative descriptions of the invariants of regular languages, state-marking functions, sufficient conditions for unambiguity, algorithms of equivalent transformation, solution of the star-height problem by describing the set of cycles of the basis automaton, alternative methods of constructing Conway's universal automaton, exact algorithms of NFA-minimization by various criteria (state-, edge- and star-height-minimization), various formalisms-generalizations of NFA, investigation of generalized regular expressions and generalized star-height problem.

·         Context-free languages: non-traditional variants for setting CF-languages (using some generalizations of finite automata), sequential CF-languages and their using for setting some programming languages, subclasses of CF- languages class with a decidable equivalence problem.

·         Semigroup algebra: commutativity condition in supermonoid of the free monoid, binary relations on the elements of supermonoid, descriptions of special submonoids of supermonoid, infinite calculations of finite automata (also 2ω-calculations) and their relationship with submonoids of supermonoid, billiard languages (and ω-languages) and monomial algebras, billiard languages and public-key cryptography, algorithmic questions of semigroup algebra and computational methods for constructing descriptions of submonoids of supermonoid and corresponding binary relations.





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